Professional Headshot/Mini session:
€30 - 20 mins - 10 photos
€50 - 40 mins - 30 photos
Blogging/Personal Portrait:
€50 - 30 mins - 1 location - 2 outfits - 35 photos
€100 - 1 hour - 3 locations - 4 outfits - 50 photos
€150 - 2 hours - 5 locations - unlimited outfits - unlimited photos
*Skin retouching and teeth whitening included
€75/hour - 40 photos
€100/hour - unlimited photos
Copper edition
€50 - 30 mins - 20 photos (one location, one outfit)
Silver edition
€100 - 1 hr - 50 photos (two locations, two outfits, includes skin retouching and teeth
Gold edition
€150 - 2 hrs and unlimited pictures from the allotted time. (any number of locations, and as many outfits include families, and skin retouching and teeth whitening)
Group edition
€70 per person - 1 hr - 50 photos that everyone shares (skin retouching and teeth
whitening should be requested and paid separately)
*€15 for skin retouching and teeth whitening
€50 (per couple) for 25 pictures (collectively)
€80 (per couple) for 50 photos (collectively)
€50 - 30 mins - 25 photos
€100 - 1hr - 50 photos
Senior Portraits
Freshie Pack
€30 - 15 mins - 10 photos (one location only)
Sophomore Pack
€60- 30 mins - 30 photos (one location, one outfit)
Junior Pack
€100 - 1 hr - 50 photos (two locations, two outfits)
Senior Pack
€150 - 2 hrs - unlimited photos, outfits and locations, includes skin retouching and teeth whitening
Family/Maternity Session
€85 - 30 mins - 30 photos
€100- 1 hour - 50 photos
€150 - 2 hrs - unlimited photos
*Editing included
Upon emailing me details about the product and the amount of pictures needed, I will reply with a finalized quote.
Kindly note, before making negotiations, all prices have been carefully calculated due to the professional photography equipment, software and time/resources being used to produce the respective pictures. While I will not lower prices, I do offer discounts and group packages that can be found on my website and social media accounts, so be on the look out for those :)